Tag Archives: europe

Worries of less religiosity?

Should we be worried about any drawbacks of the decline in religion? When I look at the chart attached below, I feel that Europe is more modern, and is generally more advanced culturally.

I do however regularly find myself at odds with European atheists because many of them seem to be ignorant of how people in highly religious societies actually think. (This is why they’re much more likely to defend Islam and see protecting Muslim culture as more valuable than with atheists here in the USA.)  I think Europeans in general have forgotten the dangers because they’re too far from regular exposure to the crazy religious people and the slave mentality, to understand the dangers of living in a society where mass religiosity is the default. (This is why they ignore videos from ISIS where terrorists repeatedly say they’re fundamentalist Muslims killing in the name of the Quran, and make up a hundred other justifications for it like that Islamic violence is only due to poverty, economics, colonialism, and discrimination, or is a reaction to W, X, Y and Z variables.)

If you bring in more religion you will return to people denying the findings of science, more segregation, less concern for the environment, less cooperation and less civil environment (leave the big problems to God.) You also have more institutional corruption as religious judges become biased by religious virtue signaling, while the Billy Grahams and chaplains lobby the executive and legislative branches; meanwhile, the media and the people will turn to following demagogue priests and diatribes instead of well-read editors who use logical arguments. I personally have many valid reasons to oppose religion, but when it’s mainly gone there’s also a subtle danger because a generation can grow up in a sterile environment and forget how to defend against pathogens.

Already a generation has grown up in in Europe having forgotten the problems of living with more religious adherents and greater religiosity. I think this is why arguments and solid conversations that are acceptable here, are taboo in Europe even within many atheist circles. The absence of those conversations makes atheists more likely to turn to the worst side of SJWism, because they don’t recognize pseudo-religious rhetoric as they might if they were continually exposed to the fallacies of religion.

Napoleon and Dechristianization

Like most European countries, has a colorful history of Catholics and Protestants massacring each other for hundreds of years. We owe secularism to these conflicts, which began from the conflict between corrupt church officials and kings over who should rule.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Wars_of_Religion

In the late 18th century the Catholic church was  as usual, enormously corrupt. The church also stood with the corrupt aristocracy. Napoleon tried to fix the problem.
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