Category Archives: chronocentrism

God damned trillions of aliens from outer space to hell



I think I rambled a bit and muddied up the main point, (sorry about that.) I am actually an Atheist, and I appreciate your nuggets, so let me rewrite that in fewer words. (What I wrote was a form of the old argument that it’s not fair of God to damn the Native Americans, who weren’t even allowed to learn of the gospels for for over a thousand years. I just transferred the argument into outer space to make the argument especially ad absurdum.)

I’ll try (clumsily) to break the main argument into short statements.

1) If there is other intelligent life in the universe,
2) Then there could be millions of other sentient creatures that are even more deserving of salvation than our species.
3) So it is hard to believe that God would send his only son to this planet.

4) Furthermore, humans have not crossed the vastness of space to convert any aliens to Christianity
5) Therefore, many aliens have already been damned to hell for their sins
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