Category Archives: fake atheists

Proof that male circumcision is evil

There are a billion reasons, but this video shares some. “Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper”

I also like to cite that it only started to reduce the pleasure of men in America, at a time when a similar practice was started to stop “self-abuse” in women.

And that it is rare around the world, except in less developed countries (mainly in Africa and the Middle East.)

And I like to talk about how it messed up David Reimer’s life.

I have a ton more arguments, but those are some of my favorites. It is an unnecessary invasive procedure, and no children give consent to have their genitals mutilated before the age of consent!

Props to Andrew Yang for criticizing this practice.

Christians That Pose As Former Atheists (Appeal to Authority) – Thread

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(A.k.a. When Catholics that shovel a mountain of books on someone’s desk and say, “Read this before you criticize my faith.)

>I wasn’t raised in the faith so my worldview remains largely atheistic in the feel.

I hate contradicting people on personal details they didn’t introduce in a thread, but I have to make a lengthy correction for clarity (you can revise it.) I thought you said on the Christian forum that you were raised Catholic, “turned Atheist” as an adolescent, and then converted back to Christianity around the age of 18 or so? At least two others there claim to have been Atheists. They also claim to having formerly led degenerate ruinous lives until they found Christ. I’m not buying it when they talk like my eternally fundamentalist relatives.

It’s impossible to take seriously, when you find out they were raised in a Christian household, or a Christian environment. Sure you can have some doubts as a teenager, but that doesn’t make someone an Atheist or apostate. Neither does deciding at 14 you would rather sleep in than go to church and sing Christian worship for an hour.

Teenagers aren’t well read like adults and tend to devour anything you put in front of them before they’ve developed critical thinking… Continue reading Christians That Pose As Former Atheists (Appeal to Authority) – Thread